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Oerlikon SPEZIAL 2,5mm 100stk 2kg

kr 380,00
ESAB OK 53.16 Spezial 2,5x350mm 48 stk
For sveising av vanlig og lavlegert stål, gir meget sterke og seige sveiser! Er lett og sveise i alle stillinger unntatt ovenfra og ned, for strømstyrke fra 50-95 Amp. Passer best for den som har litt erfaring. Dette er den beste elektroden vi noensinne har sveist med her på Toolfarm, noen her har over 50 års erfaring.
"SPEZIAL is a basic, double-coated multi-purpose MMA electrode.
The composition of the double coating confers exceptionally good welding characteristics and a highly stable and directional arc.
Very good gap bridging and ideally suited for root passes and positional welding.
The glassy slag is easily removed from the finely-rippled weld seams, the excellent welding characteristics and ISO-V toughness to -30°C.
 Very stable arc and insensitive to the effects of arc blow.
 Sustained and high quality fusion with a very low welding current setting.
 Excellent operator appeal.
 Exceptional wetting even at low current.
 High flexibility for irregular gap.
 High Metallurgical deposit purity."
